With roots dating back to the 1250’s, and officially founded in 1811, RHANDERS is the finest and longest standing glove-maker in the world.

While the name of the company has changed slightly with each generation, the phenomenon “Randers Handsker” has been everlasting - documented in official government letters during the Middle Ages and in prestigious work such a Nobel Prize winning novel “Lykke-Per”. 



The company has delivered gloves and leather goods to royal families since its inception. Princess Dagmar even continued purchasing Randers gloves after she became Zarina of Russia. The French Queen Marie Antoinette allegedly requested gloves from Randers because of the way they made her hands feel soft and smooth, but also because of the recognisable aroma. This aroma originated from the Kalmus flower, brought to Gudenåen in Randers by monks, and was used in the tanning process.



Royal Warrant Holder
Today, the company continues the proud purveyorship to Her Royal Highness Queen Margrethe and Crown Princess Mary, as well as, the entire royal family. Equally, Randers Handskefabrik continues to design and craft gloves for the Royal Navy, the SWAT team, the police and the Queen’s Guard. Carrying more than 300 designs in the standard assortment, the exquisite products are sold across speciality stores in Scandinavia, Germany, France, The Netherlands, UK and Japan.   



The company has been in the hands of just four families since 1811, while the most recent family has run the company for three generations, still actively bringing their world-renown expertise to each and every product. Today, a new family is commencing the next step in the company's history – bringing the trusted brand to the next generations and introducing the beautiful products to a new discerning and contemporary consumer with the premium line, RHANDERS. 





Since 1634, the glove-makers guild in Randers used the round logo with the town shield to authenticate (the otherwise widely copied) gloves and leather goods from Randers. In 1896, Randers Handskefabrik was the strongest standing glove and leather goods company in town and was therefore given permission to trademark the round logo as the company’s brand mark. This very logo is known to be the first brandmark in Denmark. Today, we still call our atelier “Randers Handskefabrik”, and this is from where our two brands are designed.


Though there has never been a company called Randers Handsker, "Gloves from Randers" or "Randers Gloves" ("Randers Handsker" in Danish) has for centuries been labelling the popular gloves originating from Randers. In fact, the gloves were so sought after that 20% of the town’s inhabitants were employed in the glove trade in the 18th century.

The “Randers Handsker” label is still being lovingly crafted today. It is the original glove brand – known for its unchanged quality, fit and craftsmanship for more than 200 years.

Randers Handsker is sold in our own stores and via our longstanding partners in speciality leather stores.


Armed with a mission of safeguarding and innovating 800 years of honoured gloving and leather craftsmanship, the new owners updated the company’s name to RHANDERS in 2019. A name with deep roots in heritage and history. Firstly, to legally protect and trademark the brand and secondly to rebuild the premium lifestyle brand.

Today, RHANDERS has revived its atelier production in Denmark and is known for the finest craftsmanship in gloves, bags, belts, scarves and knitwear - and is taking the first steps in revitalising the clothing collection, responsibly crafted in Denmark according to the original values, traditions and artisanship.

RHANDERS products are mainly sold in our own retail stores and website.

Our Ethos: Warm Hands, Happy Heart

We believe that hands are magical. They can create, sense, and tell stories filled with human warmth, experience, care and love.

When you keep your hands warm, whether by embracing them with a warm pair of gloves, or keeping your hands lovingly busy with a craft, extending your hand, hugging someone or helping someone near to you, the result is a happy heart.


An age-old tale of passion and craftsmanship. The history of glove-making in Randers takes its beginning in the 13th century: an exciting tale of kings, queens and Catholic monks. 


“Safeguarding RHANDERS, it’s unique heritage and craftsmanship has become my life mission. It’s not an easy one. But I was raised to walk the talk, put in the hours and lead by example“.


H.M. The Queen graced Rhanders with an official visit in the historical boutique on Torvegade 12, as part of her summer cruise to the city of Randers on August 31st 2023.