In the early 1960s, Randers Handsker was the country's largest glove factory with a total of 80 employees. The industry was still doing well, but it didn't go long before the glove production was reduced and manufacturer after manufacturer had to close. It was the increasingly large proportion of imported gloves that undermined the earnings of the Danish factories.
Randers Handskefabrik was well consolidated. Ejnar Vejrum was business-oriented and ready for change. He took the changed market conditions seriously and provided a capital reserve by investing in property and land.
In the mid-1960s, Randers Handskefabrik succeeded in capturing the order for police gloves from competitor Minerva, who had been supplying the police with gloves for years.
Historically, Randers Handsker was a holistic brand with a wide range of gloves, clothes, bags, shoes, scarves and even perfumes. In the late 1960s, Randers Handskefabrik began working with the production and import of product groups other than gloves in order to spread the company's interests.
Randers Handsker's production of leather clothing increased explosively. The leather clothing was a great success and the number of safari jackets, hot pants and vests required a restructuring of the manufacturing, as this part of the production now sold more than the company's otherwise famous gloves. Randers Handskefabrik, therefore, employed a women's tailor and trained seamstress to meet the high demand for leather clothing.
In the 1960s until the 80s, the factory's prét-a-porter collection "RH" was actually more popular than the gloves, which is why it was briefly considered to discontinue glove production in favour of leather clothing. However, glove-making was considered the soul of the company. This would later prove to be the factory's salvation, as the production of leather clothing came to an abrupt end. Within a few years, the Danish market was flooded with foreign leather clothing whose retail price was at the same level as Randers Handskefabrik's purchase price.
In 1963, on the 35th anniversary of Ejnar Vejrum's takeover of Randers Handskefabrik, sons Erik & Arne Vejrum became part of the day-to-day operations.
The 1960s was a decade with international consolidation in terms of politics and belonging, and the resulting "Cold War" was also felt in Denmark.
However, this did not overshadow the fact that culturally and socially there was also a great development towards more liberation and a changed fashion, which to a greater extent did away with the bulky, more uniform look of earlier times and introduced short dresses for the women and longer hair for the boys - and a completely new music scene arose with, among other musicians, The Beatles and the Rolling Stones as some of the examples.